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0 新人999 新人999 2025-02-15 15:52 13





      # 《烟花易冷》歌词赏析


      歌词开篇“繁华声,遁入空门,折煞了世人”,将世俗的繁华与佛门的空寂相对照,奠定了整首歌哀伤的基调。“梦偏冷,辗转一生,情债又几本”,简单几句,便将主人公内心的凄凉与对爱情的无奈倾诉而出 。


      “浮图塔,断了几层,断了谁的魂 ;痛直奔,一盏残灯,倾塌的山门”,运用拟人手法,佛塔的残破如同主人公千疮百孔的内心,内心的悲痛仿佛有了生命,随着残灯延伸到倾塌的山门之外,强化了悲伤的氛围。



      整首歌词通过丰富的意象、巧妙的修辞和细腻的情感描写,将一段跨越时空的凄美爱情故事娓娓道来,让听众仿佛置身于那个战乱纷飞、繁华不再的时代,深刻感受到爱情的美好与无奈,以及历史的沧桑变迁 。




      此首《烟花易冷》其歌词故事背后之典故出处源于《洛阳伽蓝记》。《洛阳伽蓝记》是一部集佛教典故、文学笔触、与朝代历历史,以及地理人文于一身的千古名著,为北魏人杨炫之所撰,成书于东魏孝静帝时(西元547年)。正因其独特近似近代纪录片的史观,使得《洛阳伽蓝记》与《水经注》、《齐民要术》等合称北魏百年来三大奇书之一。《烟花易冷》所描述的正是一千五百多年前杨炫之笔下那个盛极繁华后倾塌颓圮的千年古都洛阳城中,一名皇家将领与其所倾慕之女子间的爱情故事。该名将领因缘邂逅女子后,俩人一见钟情并且私定终身,此时将领却被朝庭征调至边境征战,在连年的兵荒马乱中,帝都洛阳已沦废墟,残破不堪,最后女子苦守将领不遇后,落发为尼,待将领历经风霜归来寻至女子所出家的伽蓝古寺,但却人事已非,尘缘已尽。就在雨夜的古寺中,俩人相望无语,感叹着世间的繁荣就如同璀璨的烟花般易逝! Sound fading back into the bustling world Buddhism Zhesha a lifetime dream colder conditions was removed several debt if you default, they sit and sit and circle of life and death, they circle the ring Buddha tower broken off the layers of pain went straight to a soul who light Candengqingta the gate again let me turn around and so historical and so mellow wine waiting for you Danyi Qu Zheng Yu deep vegetation have the old hometown is always a person I heard you the mottled stone gate entrenched with old roots is echoed again and so on rain I have heard the old Native vegetation of deep peri-urban animal husbandry, you are still guarding isolated city fell really tall siren roots Nomura fate of our youth usher in laughter listening to envy that many people refused to write the annals of gentle fireworks are too ruthless cold Personnel Yi Yi Divide and you asked me if I also seriously millennium generation after generation Wife Who else but a legacy in so how can not really Wei Shu Luoyang City with past lives in the window-as you follow along with the Red Rain I rove life have I heard the old hometown you deep vegetation always one mottled stone gate on the roots entrenched in the old echoes of a re-vegetation and other deep rain have I heard that the old hometown still guarding isolated city suburbs you fall really tall siren Nomura fate grazing roots have our old hometown of rain vegetation deep I heard a person you always mottled stone gate on the roots entrenched in the old echoed the rain have to wait for the rain I have heard the old Native vegetation deep I heard you still guarding isolated city suburbs, animal husbandry fell really tall siren Nomura roots roots of our fate is our fate Buddhist Temple Temple listening to the rain eternal sound of hope





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