说唱 英文
- “rap”的用法及相关解释
- 词性和词义:作名词时,意为说唱音乐、说唱歌曲、扣击、快速的敲击等;作动词时,有急拍、快敲、表演说唱音乐、说唱、批评、指责等意思。例如,“I like listening to rap music.(我喜欢听说唱音乐。)” “He can rap very well.(他说唱得非常好。)”
- 词源:rap是一个黑人俚语中的词语,相当于“谈话”(talking),产自纽约贫困黑人聚居区。它以在机械的节拍声的背景下,快速地诉说一连串押韵的诗句为特征。
- “hip-hop”的用法及相关解释
- 含义:hip-hop不仅仅指说唱音乐,它是一种包含说唱、街舞、涂鸦、打碟等多种元素的流行文化,不过在很多时候也可以用来指代说唱这种音乐形式或风格。例如,“Hip-hop culture has a huge influence on young people.(嘻哈文化对年轻人有巨大的影响。)”这里的嘻哈文化就包含了说唱等多种元素,如果说 “Im into hip-hop.(我喜欢嘻哈(说唱)。)”,此时更强调的是说唱这种音乐形式。
- 文化内涵:hip-hop起源于20世纪70年代的美国,最早是美国黑人表达自己态度的一种街头音乐文化,是美国非裔及拉丁裔青年之间由多种元素构成的一种街头音乐文化。
- 其他相关词汇
- rapper:指说唱歌手,是从事说唱表演的专业人士。比如,“Eminem is a famous rapper.(埃米纳姆是一位著名的说唱歌手。)”
- rap music:明确表示说唱音乐,是对这种音乐类型的正式称呼。例如,“Rap music is very popular among the youth.(说唱音乐在年轻人中非常受欢迎。)”
Christina Aguilera(come on over) (fighter) (genie in a bottle) (aiant no other man) ( you are what you are) (what a girl wants)
Ldy lickem (tell me who you are)
Mariah carey (byebye)(hero)(we belong toghther)
Sarah Connor(just one last dance)(he’s unbelieve)
James Blunt(詹姆斯.布朗特)-You re Beautiful
关于英文说唱歌词when i wake up
When I Wake Up Ah,ah,ah,open my eyes Another day is another surprise Wonder whats pervos the day it will not the vise Never mind not to word ,never other snot want to love To the fooluts,you wanna raining the foolut it Seated your the people to stay yeson to splan today As I wake up, oper it with the trueduce,forget the roo, Shape up lement to the new shake sign to do this, As waking numbut the word to this, is notmend to it, Is notmend to it, in notmend to it No one can get up on my biz I do my own thang, you cant tell me who are is I wake up, and Im alive Whatever I want, Ill find it Ill keep doin what Im doing no rewindin No one can get up on my biz I do my own thang, you cant tell me who are is I wake up, and Im alive Whatever I want, Ill find it Ill keep doin what im doing no rewindin As Im wakin up, day one on my mind Wonderin whats gon stress me out this time Whats in line, scrambled eggs & a biscuit. thats fine I need a get energized, cuhs through these past few days Ive been speechless of what to say Im tired of bullshit, whens it gonna go away Everytime i turn a cheek, drama here fakers there I think Im growing grey hair Then again my music makes me think twice Like life is great so, is music, Oh, lets write! Even when im not awake The homegirls always bring a smile to my face Crackin jokes, pickin on each others race Theres always phoebe racca! you know i love you girl Day passes by, im waitin for summer to arrive Im gettin excited for many goals to achieve Im ready to turn it into reality instead of make believe You ready? No one can get up on my biz I do my own thang, you cant tell me who are is I wake up, and im alive Whatever i want, ill find it Ill keep doin what im doing no rewindin No one can get up on my biz I do my own thang, you cant tell me who are is I wake up, and im alive Whatever I want, Ill find it Ill keep doin what im doing no rewindin