- 例句1:With the gap between the churchs teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the Renaissance, the gap between the medieval and modern periods had been bridged, leading to new and unexplored intellectual territories。
- 解析:这个句子包含了一个伴随状语和一个结果状语。首先,要识别出主干部分“the gap had been bridged”。然后,理解伴随状语“with the gap between the churchs teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the Renaissance”和结果状语“leading to new and unexplored intellectual territories”的作用。翻译时,可以先处理主干,再依次翻译伴随状语和结果状语。
- 例句2:Despite attempts by the Church to suppress this new generation of logicians and rationalists, more explorations for how the universe functioned were being made at a rate that people could no longer ignore。
- 解析:这个句子包含了一个让步状语和一个方式状语。主干部分是“more explorations were being made”。翻译时,可以先处理主干,再翻译让步状语“Despite attempts by the Church to suppress this new generation of logicians and rationalists”和方式状语“at a rate that people could no longer ignore”。
- 顺译法与逆译法:根据英语和汉语的表达习惯,选择顺译或逆译。英语时间状语可前可后,而汉语通常按时间或逻辑顺序表达。
- 前置法:较短的限定性定语从句或表身份特征的同位语在译成汉语时,可以提到先行词前面。
- 分起总叙与总起分叙:对于长句子,可以先提炼主干,再分别翻译其他说明部分。根据句子内容和汉语思维习惯,选择分起总叙或总起分叙。
- 归纳法:对于跳跃性或蒙太奇性的长句,需要重新组合,归纳成明明白白的译文。
- 分句法与合句法:根据句子成分的意义独立性,选择分句或合句。意思紧密相关的句子可以合译成一个句子。
- 句子成分转换:翻译时,动词与名词的搭配关系可能改变,导致句子成分转换。
- 被动语态转换:汉语较少使用被动语态,翻译时需要将被动语态转换成主动语态或其他表达方式。
- 上一篇: 徙读音是什么(03/17更新)
- 下一篇: 男孩造句(03/17更新)