1. come down:The price of the house has finally come down, making it more affordable for many families。
2. come up with:She came up with a brilliant solution to the problem that had been困扰ing the team for weeks。
3. come out:The new book by the best-selling author is expected to come out next month。
4. come in:The new manager comes in with a fresh perspective on how to improve the companys performance。
5. come on:Come on, were going to be late for the movie if we dont hurry up。
6. come across:I came across an old friend at the supermarket yesterday。
7. come true:After years of hard work, his dream of becoming a doctor finally came true。
8. come to an end:The festival came to an end with a spectacular fireworks display。
9. come up:A new opportunity came up for me to work abroad。
10. come around:Please come around to my house this weekend for a barbecue。
这些例句展示了 "come" 在不同语境下的用法,包括短语动词和固定搭配。