1. 描述品质或状态
- Smoking is not good for your health.(吸烟对你的健康不好。)
- This is a good place for a picnic.(这是一个野餐的好地方。)
2. 表示擅长某事
- Im good at French.(我的法语很好。)
- Hes a good jumper.(他的弹跳力特别好。)
3. 描述能力或技能
- Shes an exceptionally good cook.(她是一个特别好的厨师。)
- Hes very good with children.(他对孩子很有一套。)
4. 表示赞同或肯定
- Thats a jolly good idea.(那是个绝妙的主意。)
- Yes, thats a good point.(是的,那是个有说服力的论据。)
5. 描述感受或体验
- We had a really good time together.(我们一起度过了非常愉快的时光。)
- It was really good.(这非常好。)
6. 表示健康状态
- Hes always enjoyed good health.(他一直都很健康。)
- I wasnt feeling very well yesterday, but Im fine today.(我昨天感觉不太好,但今天好了。)
7. 描述物品或食物的质量
- They serve good French cooking.(他们供应美味的法国菜。)
- The fruits taste really good.(这些水果吃起来很美味。)
8. 表示道德或行为上的良好
- He was very good to me when I was ill.(我生病时他对我很好。)
- Shes a good person.(她是一个好人。)
9. 描述数量或程度
- We have a fairly good idea of whats going on.(我们对正在发生的事情有相当准确的了解。)
- The results were pretty good.(结果相当不错。)
10. 表示可能性或结果
- On balance, biotechnology should be good news for developing countries.(生物技术对发展中国家来说应该是好消息。)
- I think the response was good.(我认为这样的反应很有利。)
11. 描述外观或视觉感受
- The caramel looks awfully good.(这种黄油奶糖看上去棒极了。)
- Shes strikingly good-looking.(她非常漂亮。)
12. 表示有效性或实用性
- Moping wont do any good!(自怨自艾一点用处都没有!)
- This gadget isnt much good.(这小玩意儿没多大用处。)
13. 描述关系或友谊
- We remained good friends.(我们一直是好朋友。)
- China and Pakistan are good neighbours, good friends, good partners and good brothers.(中国和巴基斯坦是好朋友、好邻居、好伙伴、好兄弟。)
14. 表示道德或行为上的正直
- He was a good man who always helped others.(他是一个总是帮助他人的好人。)
- Good thoughts, good words, good deeds to benefit everyone.(好的思想,好的言语,好的行为,造福每个人。)
15. 描述天气或环境
- Its a good day for a walk.(今天是散步的好天气。)
- The weather was good for the outdoor concert.(天气适合户外音乐会。)
- 上一篇: 秀丽造句(03/22更新)
- 下一篇: 福州附近好玩的景点(03/22更新)